Monday, January 19, 2015

Risk Reducing Surgery

Here is the post about what you can do to greatly reduce your risk for breast and/or ovarian cancer with the BRCA-1 gene.

As most of you know, Angelina Jolie had a Hysterectomy and double mastectomy. She caught some flak for that, but if I were in her shoes, I would've done the EXACT. SAME. THING.

Aren't I in her shoes, you might ask?!?  No.

Although we both carry the same gene... The ONLY thing (and I mean ONLY thing) that I have over Angelina Jolie, is my age. I am 29 years old.

At 29 years of age, some of these options can be pretty devastating and should not be entered into lightly.

So, here's the options for risk reducing surgery for women with the BRCA-1 gene:

Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy (otherwise known as "double mastectomy)- this surgery reduces the risk of breast cancer by 90%
Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (with or without Hysterectomy)- This surgery ideally should be performed between 35-40 years of age or upon completion of child bearing. This will reduce the risk of Ovarian cancer by 96% and the risk of breast cancer by as much as 56% depending on the age at which the procedure is performed.

Now, some people choose to do nothing and let nature take it's course. Some do both surgeries, some choose one over the other. Whatever a person chooses for themselves, is the right decision. I will not preach what I think is the right thing to do. All I can say is that Doctors recommend both surgeries for the greatest risk reduction.

I had my mind made up before I met with my doctor, Dr. Bradley Monk at St Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. The wonderful thing was, he agreed with me on what I chose as a course of action for my situation.

Sooooo.... What did I choose?

I chose...

***commercial break***

hahahahahaha. Just Kidding.. This isn't Grey's Anatomy ;-)

I chose to have a complete Hysterectomy with a Bilateral Salpingo-Oopherctomy done using the davinci robotic surgery method for a minimally invasive approach.

It sounds fancier than it is. Dr. Monk will remove my Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix through 5 small incisions with the help of a guided robot.

OMG!!! WHEN?!?!?


Yep, that's right... Tomorrow morning I check in at 09:30 for my surgery.

I'm a little nervous because I absolutely HATE anesthesia and I hear the bloating and gas afterward isn't much fun either (is it ever?)

I just chugged a gallon of Miralax mixed with Gatorade. It's been a fun evening ;-)

Hormone replacement therapy is not recommended with BRCA patients due to the risk of breast cancer, however, who wants to go through full blown menopause at 29 years old?!? Not THIS chick!!! It is known by doctors that the combination of estrogen and progesterone together can fuel breast cancer, but I will not have progesterone since I will no longer have my uterus. So, Dr. Monk & I agreed that a small dose of estrogen for a few years will be better for me so I don't have to go through SUCH a drastic change at this young of an age.

I will keep up with my mammograms and breast MRI's alternating every 6 months and later down the road I will revisit the option of a double mastectomy.

By doing this I will reduce my risk of ovarian cancer by 96% and my risk of breast cancer by up to 56%. My family and I all agree that this is the best option for me right now.

So, wish me luck!

Be back soon....

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