Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Optimal Health

After my mom lost her 9 year battle with Ovarian Cancer, I went on a downward spiral with my depression and health. I turned to food for comfort. I was gaining a lot of my weight back and "eating my feelings".

I took a good look in the mirror and said to myself " You will get a hysterectomy so that you don't get ovarian cancer, but you are on a very unhealthy path in your life"

I would undergo surgery to avoid sickness, but then gain weight and continue to be obese because I was sad? That was very counterproductive of me. Something had to change!

My health coach reached out to me with a program that saved me! I have lost 37 lbs in 3 1/2 months and I feel better than ever! I am also a Health Coach now. I am paying it forward. I want to help people acheive optimal health, like my coach has been doing for me.

I would've done anything to make my mom healthy. ANYTHING.

It's time to make America Healthy again! Stop the sickness before it begins.

Please reach out to me if you, or someone you know, is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

Want to acheive optimal health? I can help you!