Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chill out hottie!

If you have Ovarian cancer (or even breast cancer) or maybe you're a BRCA-teer like me, and have had a hysterectomy, you are blessed with menopause and all it's amazing side effects! :-) YAY!

You know what though? I'd so much rather be in menopause and avoid cancer, than the alternative! (for those of you who are fighting the good fight, your chances of beating this are so much greater if you've had a hysterectomy, or at least a bilateral salpingo oopherectomy)

So what do we all know about menopause? HOTFLASHES of course! I am an expert on them now.

If you are new to hotflashes, you may wonder how you can stay cool during the summer months...

  • Drink ice water.
  • Aviod caffeine (caffeine can trigger hot flashes)
  • Avoid spicy foods (can also trigger hot flashes)
  • Have cold meals instead of hot food (trade the soups in for cold bisques and the hot pasta in for pasta salads! Have your herbal tea iced this summer, it's refreshing)
  • Crank that A/C!
  • Swim (it's great exercise AND it will cool you to the core!)
  • Portable fan
  • Use a bed sheet instead of a heavy quilt at night
  • Run your errands early before it gets hot, or at night after the sun goes down
  • Utilize that automatic start for the car! It's not just for the winter! Cool off your vehicle before you even get in!
  • Wear your hair up and avoid wearing hats. (Heat escapes through your head and feet.. Wear sandals and avoid headgear that can add to the blazing inferno that is now your body)
  • Cold Showers
  • Eat popsicles! (they have less calories than ice cream!)
  • If your stressed and frazzled, stop, take five minutes to cool down and take deep breathes.. This one is key! If you're going a mile a minute like us girls tend to do, the stress of it all can cause a hot flash and make it even MORE stressful!
  • Eat ice (don't tell your dentist I told you to do this!)
  • Sit in front of a fan. (lol This is ow I ate my dinner tonight!)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"The Book of Excuses"

My mother used to always say that she could write a whole book of excuses.

Excuses for being late, missing appointments, cancelling plans, you name it.. she had an excuse for it.

I think my favorite was when she would call her doctor's office and tell them she couldn't make it because she was too sick!! Mom, really?!? DUH!!!!! That's why you have to GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! We would laugh til we cried about it.There's a thousand more just like it too.

Of course everyone close to her knew about this incredible talent that she possessed. I, of course, always knew when she was using one of her amazing "one liners" on me, so they never worked with me! She never needed an excuse for me though. Sometimes it felt like we were on a whole other wave length.. Our own special kind of crazy ;-)

What is the best excuse you've ever come up with to get out of something?!?

I always wanted to write a book about my mom's life and my journey with her.... I just had a momentary thought... The title of that book would be... "The book of excuses"

I've toyed with "The funny story behind mom's cancer" but she was so much more than her cancer.. WE were so much more than her cancer. "the invincible woman" would've been suitable, til she passed...

"My guardian angel", but that title wouldn't sell books..

Who am I kidding.. pfft. I'll never get around to actually writing a book!

....but hey! Just in case I do.. I have a title!