Monday, April 13, 2015


Apparently Aetna (which was my mom's insurance company) and Cigna are saying they will no longer cover the new genetic cancer panel testing.

This is bologna!!!

I understand that insurance companies are not technically obligated to pay for genetic testing if it's not in their coverage plan, however, the basis for their arguments is that there's an unneccesary influx of patients wanting to be tested due to Angelina's new (ish) "compagne" urging women with family history to be tested for the BRCA genes.

Bull shit Bull shit Bull shit

These test will potentially save these insurance companies millions of dollars! Early detection and/or preventive surgery is MUCH less expensive than the alternative (chemo, debulking surgeries and radiation therapies as well as any other medications needed to counteract side effects and cancer pain)

I can't say I'm surprised, but it really blows me away how close minded some corporations and companies can be.

Here is the story about what the companies are saying (click on the link "story")

All I can say is, know your family history, and push for what you want and deserve as far as healthcare goes. I know it's rough to fight with insurance companies, I've had to do my fair share as well, but this article is saying that they aren't covering the "new multi gene panel testing".. Hopefully they're still covering the BRCA-1 & BRCA-2 test that originally has been used (the one I had done) and hopefully celebs like Angelina, Kelly Osbourne & Pierce  Brosnan (sp) can be crusaders & put some heat on these companies to cover these life saving tests!

*** end rant***. 😉

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