Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Care To Data Share

Great News!

The company handling BRCA testing is now taking it upon themselves to figure out who could have the gene based on family history.

When you meet with genetic counselors, they go over your family tree to make sure it is up to date and add any BRCA findings to the list. I always thought this was a great way to keep track of a pattern in a family as far as genes go, but now they're taking it a step further. They will be looking through BRCA findings to figure out people who may be effected by the gene without having been tested yet.

Also they will be focusing on previously tested patients who had negative results that may in fact still have the gene (that happened to my mom when she was first tested. Dr Janicek insisted that she be retested a couple years later and sure enough, she was positive for BRCA-1). It's amazing how science is ever changing and a simple test and family tree can save so many lives.

Thank you Dr Janicek, for double checking my mom. It actually added years to her life because it qualified her for specific clinical trials. It also has given no less than 6 women in our family the knowledge of having the gene.

This is the pro active approach to cancer that is better than any drug!

Here is the story . Click on the word "story" to read about this new data share.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Apparently Aetna (which was my mom's insurance company) and Cigna are saying they will no longer cover the new genetic cancer panel testing.

This is bologna!!!

I understand that insurance companies are not technically obligated to pay for genetic testing if it's not in their coverage plan, however, the basis for their arguments is that there's an unneccesary influx of patients wanting to be tested due to Angelina's new (ish) "compagne" urging women with family history to be tested for the BRCA genes.

Bull shit Bull shit Bull shit

These test will potentially save these insurance companies millions of dollars! Early detection and/or preventive surgery is MUCH less expensive than the alternative (chemo, debulking surgeries and radiation therapies as well as any other medications needed to counteract side effects and cancer pain)

I can't say I'm surprised, but it really blows me away how close minded some corporations and companies can be.

Here is the story about what the companies are saying (click on the link "story")

All I can say is, know your family history, and push for what you want and deserve as far as healthcare goes. I know it's rough to fight with insurance companies, I've had to do my fair share as well, but this article is saying that they aren't covering the "new multi gene panel testing".. Hopefully they're still covering the BRCA-1 & BRCA-2 test that originally has been used (the one I had done) and hopefully celebs like Angelina, Kelly Osbourne & Pierce  Brosnan (sp) can be crusaders & put some heat on these companies to cover these life saving tests!

*** end rant***. 😉

Saturday, April 4, 2015

I got your back girl!

What do you think about this girl who had her tubes tied at 28 years old as a form of birth control?

Read the full story here

Honestly, I'm not against it at all. Quite the contrary actually. Women who do not want children and get pregnant either have an abortion, put their child up for adoption or end up keeping the baby and are really bad mom's because they resent their child. Not to mention the countless stories of babies being found in dumpster etc. (btw this is not to say if you don't want kids and end up having them anyways, that you are a bad mom.. That's just usually what happens, but not always)

I REALLY wanted a child and even I was surprised by how challenging it can be and how much it change your life. So, if you know you don't want kids, don't have them. Period.

That being said... Getting her tubes tied is not 100% effective as far as birth control. If she wanted sterilization, she should've opted for Hysteroscopic occlusion (coils in the Fallopian tubes that create scar tissue that blocks the tube entirely). Or she could opt for a bilateral salpingo oopherectomy which would remove the tubes and ovaries completely which would protect her from ovarian cancer.

Nonetheless.. Good for her! I know what it's like to hear doctors say "are you sure you don't want (anymore in my case) children? You could change your mind"

When you're at the doctor, asking for a life sleeping surgery.. Typically, you're more than 100% positive!

Besides, there's always adoption which can be extremely rewarding.

Hope you're having a fabulous holiday weekend!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cancer Dancer

Dark colored soda causes cancer?

It's been said that soda causes cancer, but that is mostly due to the kind of sweetner used in diet soda.

This article shows how the caramel color used in dark sodas like cola and root beer, can cause cancer.

Read more here .

This is an article I found through another cancer blog and I found it interesting. Do your research. It is a good idea to know about any chemical or substance that you put in your body.

If you are a soda drinker it might  be a good idea to look into this.

I am the first one to say "everything causes cancer, so what's the use?" However, it really is important to know, especially if you are predisposed to cancer to begin with. Although genes may be the CAUSE for Breast & Ovarian cancers with the BRCA gene, the crap we put in our bodies doesn't help!

This is not a hoax or "April Fools" post. I did get my husband pretty god this morning though! ;-)

So, I'll leave you with this... May you be aware of all the questionable things in life and got pull a joke on someone today, but don't fall for anything! <3