Here's a Story that really hit home for me.
As I sat there reading this story (follow the link to read) with eyes welled up with tears and my daughter climbing all over me trying to lick my face, I remembered the fear. The fear of my mom dying, and remembering what it was like not knowing if I had the gene or not.
I'm less afraid now. The author of this article is scared to know. I've been there. I know how you're feeling. I know that maybe if you aren't diagnose with the BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 gene, then maybe, just maybe, you could pretend that you won't follow the same fate as your mother who fights so hard to live.
This is my advice to you, sweet blissfully ignorant girl.
Get the test.
For so many reasons, get the test
1.) knowing can save your life and make it so you DON'T have to go through what your mother went through
2.) do it for your mom! If there's one thing I know, it's that our moms are put at ease by knowing we'll be ok and that we're on top of this so we have a chance to avoid what they went through.
3.) Do it for your kids. You said you are 28 and married, so maybe you have kids, or will someday. Don't you wanna know so THEY know. If you have the gene, then thy might too and they deserve to know. If you don't, thy don't and one less thing to worry about
4.) last, but certainly not least. You might not even have the gene. THAT in it of itself is the BEST reason. Having THAT wave of relief would be life altering for you.
So, that's my 2 cents. However, it's everyone's own personal choice and I respect what anyone decides, but having gone through it myself, I think it's best to know.
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