Since then I have endured a lot of obstacles that life has thrown at me..
My Mother passed away 2 weeks after my surgery. This came as a complete shock to me and my family. She was such a fighter til the very end and her last steps she took were chasing after her sweet 2 yr old granddaughter. (My daughter is now 3 and misses her Mimi very much). After funeral arrangements were complete, my time in AZ came to an end and I joined my husband in Ft Leonard Wood, MO. where we lived until August. We then moved to Fort Drum, NY.. Where we have been enduring lots of snow, making new memories, and creating new friendships.
Having my surgery 2 weeks before my mom passed was very hard for me to handle at the time. I had a lot of regret on the timing of everything, but it couldn't have been anticipated that it would happen that way. Looking back on it, I would've gotten it done sooner.. but "if only" or "coulda shoulda woulda" is not healthy. My mom died knowing that I would never have Ovarian Cancer.. So crappy timing or not, that was the last gift I gave to her.. That peace of mind.
If you are in the same boast that I was in just a year ago, and you go back and forth about pros and cons of risk reducing surgery, I will tell you this.. I have NO regrets. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The ONLY thing I would've changed was waiting so long.
That being said, I am the healthiest I have ever been and menopause hasn't been as awful as I was anticipating. Hot flashes suck, but I live in the arctic tundra of upstate NY, so I can just go outside! My bones are healthy, there were no complications during the healing process, andIi feel like myself!
Thank you to everyone who has been checking in with me this year, and to my amazing family who has really stepped up in the absence of my mom during this crazy time in my life!
January 20, 2015 - Post Op |